The Wrinkled Runner
The Wrinkled Runner
Favorite Videos from The Wrinkled Runner YouTube Channel (2024 Version)
This episode encapsulates the top five podcast highlights from 2024, focusing on valuable lessons and insights that every runner can apply in their journey. We delve into balancing training with vacations, reflecting on the previous year, assessing marathon readiness, clarifying stretching techniques, and understanding when to rest or run.
• Discussing balancing training and relaxation on vacation
• Reflecting on valuable lessons learned from 2023
• Identifying signs to determine marathon readiness
• Clarifying dynamic versus static stretching for runners
• Understanding when to rest versus when to push through
Resources from the Video-
The Wrinkled Runner Website-
Running the World: Combining Vacation and Running
The Wrinkled Runner Podcast-
Are You Ready to Run the Marathon
Discovering the World Through Your Running Shoes-
Dynamic vs Static Stretching Insights for Runners
The Wrinkled Runner YouTube Channel-
Are You Ready for the Marathon
Rest vs Run- Listening to Your Body
If you are looking for a coach to help you reach your running goals, even if it's just to start to run, take a look at my Coaching Services page on the website. I do virtual, in-person (Buffalo, NY area) and also offer single zoom sessions for those would just like to chat with a coach one time.
Find my additional outlets over at the YouTube channel and at wrinkledrunner.com. Sign up over on the blog for the once-a-month newsletter! If you would like information on utilizing a running coach, check out what I can do for you here.
If you have any running-related questions, please send an email to sherry@wrinkledrunner.com…I answer every one.
Hey runners, welcome back to the Wrinkled Runner channel and the podcast as well. I'm recording this at the same time, whether you're tuning in on your run during your morning commute or watching on YouTube. Today, our episode is all about your favorite videos of 2024, and we're going to be counting down the top five. So running on vacation was number five, and when you're away from home, sometimes balancing training and relaxation can be a little tricky. So this video resonated with a lot of you because it tackled the practical tips like planning routes in advance, packing the right gear and also knowing when to push versus when to kick back and enjoy your vacation. It's about keeping that running streak alive or continuing your training, but still making the most of your trip, and running in a new place is one of the best ways that I have found to explore. So I'm leaving for Vegas tomorrow and packing my running gear, so I'll be taking my own advice, and I've done it before in Vegas, and if you go out early in the morning, here's a tip you actually get to run a lot of the strip by yourself, because a lot of people are actually just going to bed. So I also wanted to mention that I had a comment on the video about finding a college campus to run in if you're training in the US, which I thought was a great idea, both because you're probably going to be able to get some distance in while running around the campus and there's usually campus police to keep you safe. So I thought that was fantastic advice and I'm going to follow that when I travel At.
Speaker 1:Number four is the top videos of 2023. Four is the top videos of 2023. It seems like everybody loves a good year-end review, so that video reflected on all the lessons and tips and breakthroughs from 2023, proving that sometimes looking back can actually push us forwards. So it was a good way to highlight some training advice and it reminds me of how far I've come as a runner as well. Number three is are you ready to run a marathon? This one was popular because so many runners are eager to tackle the 26.2 miles but aren't always sure if they're really ready. So in the video, I broke down the key readiness signs, like consistency and training. I went over mental preparation and understanding the commitment a marathon truly requires. So if you missed this one and you're playing with the idea of running a marathon, definitely go back and give it a listen. It could be the nudge that you need if you may be on the fence about it.
Speaker 1:At number two, we have stretching for runners dynamic versus static. So stretching is a hot topic and in the video I attempted to clear up some of the confusion about when and how to stretch for performance. My advice, after looking at the science, is that dynamic stretching before a run and static stretching afterward is what I use as a guideline and I talk about some of the reasoning behind it, so you can watch that video if you're curious about reasoning why. And finally, the number one video of 2024 was rest versus run listening to your body.
Speaker 1:So a lot of times when you see a title like that, the perspective is from the injury prevention side, which is encouraging a rest, which is very important, and hopefully I was clear in the difference in the video, because sometimes the answer to our perceived crappy runs is to actually run more. So watch that video for some guidance on when to rest and when a crappy run means you actually might need to run more. So there you have it, your top five videos of 2024. Whether you're a longtime follower or just tuning in, thanks for being a part of this amazing community and be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel, follow the podcast. Let me know what you want me to cover in 2025.