The Wrinkled Runner
The Wrinkled Runner
What Runners are Watching: The Wrinkled Runner Top 5 YouTube Videos from 2023
Hey Running Friends!
Today is the second episode of your typical January "insert podcaster, YouTuber, Blogger" here series. I'm talking about the Top 5 YouTube videos from my channel.
If you are here because you are a newer or older runner, my introduction to this episode sounds like I am discouraging you from listening! I'm not! Just wanting to be upfront that the YouTube Channel is geared for ALL things running, not just stuff for beginners. There is that over there, though, so check it out!
Resources from the Episode:
Top 5 YouTube Videos from The Wrinkled Runner Channel:
5. Running Smarter, Coaching Better- Books for Coaching - even though the books in this video are for coaches, recreational runners can learn a ton about what goes into training and building their own workouts
4. Running Coaches Toolbox: Using the Garmin Clipboard App (Athlete Version)- This free app for coaches allows us to push workouts to your watches and the version the athlete uses is shown in this video
3. The Pro's and Con's of S.M.A.R.T Goals: Striking the Right Balance - You may have seen goal setting shown as SMART. I talk about what they are and also talk about how they can be detrimental.
2. Garmin Connect Overview - If you own a Garmin watch, you have your own website with all your data to look at. Watch this overview of the whole site. Future videos will dive a bit deeper into it and show you all you can see
1. Running Coaches Toolbox: Garmin Clipboard App for Coaches- Even if you aren't a coach, take a look at what this free app can do if you are interested in building your own workouts for a week or two (or more) at a time.
Resources from The Wrinkled Runner Podcast:
Running Books for Self Coaching
Running Workouts
Using a Running Watch
Resources from The Wrinkled Runner YouTube Channel:
Using Your Garmin to Build Running Workouts
Incorporating Different Running Workouts
Resources from The Wrinkled Runner Website:
Explaining Different Running Workouts
If you are looking for a coach to help you reach your running goals, even if it's just to start to run, take a look at my Coaching Services page on the website. I do virtual, in-person (Buffalo, NY area) and also offer single zoom sessions for those would just like to chat with a coach one time.
Find my additional outlets over at the YouTube channel and at wrinkledrunner.com. Sign up over on the blog for the once-a-month newsletter! If you would like information on utilizing a running coach, check out what I can do for you here.
If you have any running-related questions, please send an email to sherry@wrinkledrunner.com…I answer every one.
This episode is going to be off point a little bit because I try to make the content of the podcast For new or older runners, but because I'm going over the top five, kind of in all of my Platforms.
Speaker 1:We're going to be going over YouTube videos today and Since I talk about running topics over there that a new runner may not be looking for yet, this list might not interest you. Now, that's not to say there are no Videos over there that have anything to do with new runners or older runners. A lot of the content is About that, but the top five from last year a lot of it is not. So Not saying not to listen to this, I think you should, because that was a really bad introduction for what I'm going to be talking about today. But you never know, something might catch your attention and since it's only a few and this isn't going to be a very long episode, I still want you to listen and Maybe you will Be interested in something that's over there. And even if you're not, I still encourage you to go over there because there are Things there for newer and for older runners. So we're going to jump right in to number five and that is for running coaches, but don't skip over this. I did do an episode last year for the podcast on books for runners, and this video was on books for coaches, but Non-coaches can also utilize the very, very good information in these books. They can help you understand what goes into training and drills, workouts, and if you like to read some of them, might be something that you would be interested in checking out. I will also link in the show notes to the episode from the podcast to the books that you may really be interested in If you are a recreational runner or a new runner, and there is some overlap with that. Next is the Garmin clipboard app for the athlete now again kind of culture-related, but this app is free and you can build your own workouts in it and track yourself. So those of you who like data if you have a Garmin and maybe want to see a bigger picture for your running you may want to take a peek at this video that tells you all the different things that you can see From an athlete's perspective.
Speaker 1:The third video of the year is one that everyone can relate to, and it's all about smart goals, m-a-r-t, which I've talked about on the podcast as well. This video talks about how to form the smart goals and Also some cons that you may want to think about now. I was a bit surprised when I came across a little bit of backlash to goal-setting, and I go over what those were in the video as well. Even if you are into goal-setting, finding out some of the reasons why some people don't love the smart way of goal-setting Might be interesting to you. Number two was about the Garmin Website. Now, if you own a Garmin watch, you might not realize that there is a personalized Website with a ton of information on it about your runs. So this video is part of what will be a series of on the things that you can deep dive into, and I will also link to an episode I did here on the podcast about running watches and what to look for and Reasons to get one, even if you are a beginning runner. So this website, the Garmin Connect website, goes beyond a little bit deeper than what the app that you have, if you have a Garmin, can show you. It's very, very interesting, and if you have a Garmin and you have a Garmin account, you have this website. So if you didn't know you did, then go give that video a watch.
Speaker 1:So the number one episode of 2023 was about the Garmin. Again, people love to learn about their Garmin. This one was a tutorial on the Garmin clipboard app, but from a coaching perspective. Now, again, this is a different app and a different website than the one I was just talking about that has all your information on it. This is an app for coaches to be able to push out workouts and see all the stats from their athletes, and when my athletes have a Garmin watch, this is the app that I use to build their workouts and to see all of their stats, and it can also be a communication tool. Now, it might be something, if you're just beginning to run, that you just think you're not interested in at all. But keep in mind that if you start to get into building your own workouts which I am a huge advocate for learning how to do that, just keeping this in your head that it might be something in the future that you might be interested in finding out about.
Speaker 1:I feel that knowledge can help you become a more confident runner, and that's why, for my athletes, I explain everything and the science behind everything and I teach them actually how to build their own workouts. So I have a ton of stuff over there on how to do that in the, in the videos. So not just for this video, but if you are interested in learning how to build your own workouts, there are videos on YouTube, the Wrinkled Runner channel that can teach you how to do that. So we definitely ran through that one. These top five lists are quick. There's only one more to go and then I will be getting into some episodes with longer content. So hang in there. Just one more next week about the top five blog episodes from the wrinkledrunnercom, and then we will be getting into some more topics that will have longer form. So I'll see you next week.