The Wrinkled Runner
The Wrinkled Runner
Inside the Boston Run Show: Meeting Inspiring Runners and Exploring Running
Hey Running Friends!
Can you imagine getting a front row seat to the most exhilarating show for runners, coming up this January 27th and 28th in Boston? That's right! As your host and ambassador, I'll be taking you on a thrilling journey inside the Boston Run Show, where we'll rub shoulders with inspiring personalities like Laura Green and Scott Jurek. Join me as we kick-off this event with a morning run through the beautiful city of Boston.
Ever wondered why runners do what they do? Well, I've got good news for you. We'll be launching a podcast series that answers all your burning questions about the running world. Whether you're curious about a runner's peculiar training regimen or simply intrigued by their pre-race rituals, nothing will be left off the table! There's always a good story behind every action, even if it doesn't always make sense. So, let's unravel these intriguing narratives together. Don't forget to shoot your question, “Why is that runner doing that?” to sherry@wrinkledrunner.com.
Get your free ticket to the Boston Run Show using code: WRINKLEDRUNNER
If you are looking for a coach to help you reach your running goals, even if it's just to start to run, take a look at my Coaching Services page on the website. I do virtual, in-person (Buffalo, NY area) and also offer single zoom sessions for those would just like to chat with a coach one time.
Find my additional outlets over at the YouTube channel and at wrinkledrunner.com. Sign up over on the blog for the once-a-month newsletter! If you would like information on utilizing a running coach, check out what I can do for you here.
If you have any running-related questions, please send an email to sherry@wrinkledrunner.com…I answer every one.
Hey, running friends, welcome back to the Wrinkled Runner podcast. Today I'm going to be talking about a couple of things, kind of odds and ends. Today we're going to be going over the run show Boston and I'm going to be there as an ambassador again and we will be having a meetup. If you are in the Boston area January 27th and 28th 2024 or if you are going to be traveling there for the Boston run show, it is a really good time. They have a lot of different speakers, people like Laura Green. If you follow her on Instagram, she is hilarious and she does a lot of bits about running and runners and just kind of makes fun of all of the different things that we do in a very tasteful way, but she is she's really funny. So if you're not following her on Instagram, I would say go over and follow her and just to give you a laugh every day about how funny we as runners can be and also how much we can see of in ourselves. Even if we think that we're kind of unique A lot of times comedians, let us know that we actually are not, and so it's just a chance to kind of laugh at ourselves as runners. And she is going to be at the run show and I'm sure she will be a blast. Scott Jurick, if you are ultra runner, into ultra running, know about ultra running. You have heard his name and he is going to also be there along with a bunch of other speakers, and they keep adding ones as time goes on, and so when I am doing this podcast right now, it is late September 2023. And they'll probably still be adding more.
Speaker 1:Now you can go to the Boston run showcom to see all the different things that they are going to have, and so it's kind of like a convention where they have all these different stages and they have different people speaking depending on what you're interested in, like if you're interested in the marathon, if you're interested in just beginning running, if you're interested in ultras. There's just a whole bunch of different things that have to do with running and you can go to these different stages to hear talks and sometimes panels about all things running. There's also a vendor aspect to it, so the whole floor is full of sneaker vendors and you know KT tape and clothing and recovery sandals and representatives from all the different races around the country as well that you can sign up for them or talk to them a little bit about the race, things like that. And then a lot of the vendors also have like little contests going where you can put your name in to get like a free entry to some of these races. You know win prizes.
Speaker 1:The Boston Athletic Association who puts on the Boston Marathon they are a sponsor of this run show and they also have girls on the run. They have a gate analysis zone where that you know you have somebody who can look at your gate and see if there's any recommendations that they can give you for maybe getting a little bit better form. They have a run clinic and a strength and conditioning section. They have a cafe where you can get like a coffee and a little bit of snack. That's where I have my meetups to meet people that I've only been able to meet virtually through either this podcast or the blog or the YouTube channel or the people that I train through my coaching, and it's just a fun, just a fun little thing to get together with other runners and be able to talk and you can actually go for free.
Speaker 1:So if you are in the Boston area or you're going to be in the Boston area at that time or you are interested in just going, you can get in for free by using the code wrinkled runner at checkout and you'll be able to get a free ticket. You can, you know, get some for as many friends as you want. So if you're interested in just getting a free ticket, they'll send it to you the week before it'll be a mobile ticket and then you can join us for the ribbon cutting ceremony beforehand, which I suggest you do, because they're always giving out a ton of stuff right before the doors open. So if you get there a little bit early, I will be there with a bunch of other people and we will just be throwing things out into the crowd. And you know it runs the gamut from just little stickers to more expensive items as well. So I suggest you do go. I suggest you get there about 20 minutes early and before the doors open we will be giving things out. And also we have kind of a ceremony where all those different speakers and all the different ambassadors, we open the doors and it's just this little ceremony that we do for everybody and kind of, you know, gives everything a team spirit kind of thing. So I recommend this show. I think anything running, of course is wonderful, and so if you're interested in going to kind of a running convention kind of thing, this is one that I would highly recommend.
Speaker 1:Now, if you go to the website, you can see a whole list of the sponsors and the exhibitors, and there is. I mean, there's just too many to list. As far as exhibitors, I'm scrolling through right now everybody who's going to be there and it looks to me like there's going to be a lot more there than were there last year. So I so it's kind of growing. The people who put this on are from the UK actually and they do this over in England and then they've just started breaking into coming and doing these shows over in America. So they're growing. People like ASICS, adidas, new Balance, features, which is a sock company, which that I love their their socks.
Speaker 1:And then what a lot of people do before the convention starts in the morning is they get together in groups and they go out for a run, and that's something that I'll be doing as well is having people anyone who would like to go out for a run in the mornings beforehand get together and we'll just go out for probably just you know a little three-miler. It'll be all paces. We will just kind of get to know each other and just go for a little run around Boston. I mean, obviously, boston is a very interesting place in and of itself and so last year when we did it, my husband and I were able, when the convention wasn't going on, to do an audio tour of Boston and just kind of run around and see different things and learn all about the history. I'm somebody who really loves history and, you know, the food is awesome. So if Boston has ever been something that you've wanted to do, this would be a great vacation to see Boston. But then, you know, get your running in and also be able to hear speakers, be able to ask questions with running experts of you know everything running, so don't forget, you know, go to thebostonrunshowcom and at checkout, use the code wrinkledrunner and you will be able to get in for free, as well as anybody else that you give the code to.
Speaker 1:Now the other thing that I wanted to talk about today is I would like to do a podcast series on sometimes, something that I've heard when I start coaching people is I'll tell them to do something, you know, whatever, and I like to give them the why behind what they're doing. Like I don't give my athletes just a workout, I tell them this is the workout, this is why you're doing it, this is what we want to see happen because we're doing this workout and kind of just the science behind the different things that we do. And a lot of times what I hear from my runners is oh you know, I saw this runner doing this and I wondered why. I couldn't figure out why they were X, y, z. So I had the idea that I'd like to do kind of a podcast series on why is that runner doing that.
Speaker 1:So if you've ever seen a runner do something and you wondered why it was, send me an email at sherry, at wrinkledrunnercom, and that might become a podcast episode me answering that question why that runner is doing the thing that they're doing. Now there may be questions or there may be something that our runners doing that I have absolutely no idea why they're doing it, because I've absolutely seen that as well, you know, and and wondered why they're doing it, and because I know a lot of the why's behind why we do stuff, it would still lost on me, so I don't know where they would have gotten that idea from. But you know, sometimes people are just who they are and there's no rhyme or reason for it. So if it is a question and someone asks why a runner's doing it, I still might use it in a podcast, but just to say, yeah, never saw that before. So if you have any questions about running and why someone is doing something, send that to me so that I can do this series on why is that runner doing that?